
Tips for Walking Your Cat

Is your cat constantly trying to get outside? Is your feline a fearless furball who loves staying active? If so, you may want to consider walking your cat. While many of us think of Fido first when it comes to walking our pets, sometimes Fluffy also enjoys exploring on a leash. In this article, a Jupiter Island, FL vet offers tips on walking kitties.


Walking isn’t necessarily right for every furball. Very timid kitties may find the outdoors extremely unnerving. If Fluffy is easily scared, or is a senior that never had outside access, being walked may not be the best option for her. On the other hand, cats that used to go outside, such as rescued strays, may really like being walked, as it offers a safe way for them to enjoy some fresh air and sunlight. Also, while every cat has their own unique character, some breeds tend to be more accepting of leashes than others. American Shorthairs, Bengals, and Siamese kitties are a few breeds that often love being walked. Kitties that are super active may really benefit from walking. It will burn off some of that excess energy, and offer Fluffy stimulation.


Before taking Fluffy for a stroll around the block, you’ll need to do a bit of indoor training. First, pick up a kitty harness. Never attach a leash to a regular collar! Start by letting Fluffy see and sniff the harness, while offering treats and praise. If your cat enjoys attention, bring on the cuddles! The next step is to try letting her wear the harness for a few minutes. Again, be generous with rewards! Do this for several days, until she is comfortable, then attach the leash. Don’t try walking your kitty yet: just let her get used to it and drag it around. Never leave your feline pal alone while she’s wearing her gear. If things go well, you can take her outside!

Venturing Out

Always keep your feline friend’s safety first. Make sure you carry your kitty in and out when taking her on her walks, using a comfortable and secure carrier. Check out our article on Choosing the Purrfect Cat Carrier for more information on selecting the right carrier for your feline friend. Don’t take Fluffy on routes where there are a lot of dogs or other kitties. Be careful around trees as well: you don’t want your furball climbing anything!

Our Advice on Tips for Walking Your Cat in 2024

Is walking suitable for all cats, or are some felines better candidates for leash training?

Walking is only suitable for some cats; some felines are better candidates for leash training than others. Cats with a bold, curious nature and a high activity level may enjoy and benefit from leash walks. Nevertheless, cats that are particularly shy or have never ventured outdoors and older cats may perceive the experience as daunting and stressful. On the other hand, cats that have previously lived outdoors or display a keen enthusiasm for outdoor exploration may take well to leash training, which provides a secure method for them to enjoy the outdoors. It’s crucial to consider the individual temperament and background of each cat before initiating them into leash walking.

How can a cat’s personality influence their suitability for outdoor walks?

A cat’s personality significantly influences their suitability for outdoor walks. Adventurous and confident cats are more likely to enjoy and adapt to the experience of walking on a leash, seeing it as an exciting exploration. In contrast, cats naturally timid or prone to anxiety might find the outdoor environment intimidating, leading to stress rather than enjoyment. Active and curious cats can benefit from supervised outdoor adventures’ mental and physical stimulation. Understanding a cat’s temperament is crucial in determining whether they find leash walking rewarding.

Why should a regular collar not be used for walking a cat?

Using a regular collar for walking a cat is not recommended because it poses a risk of neck injury and choking, especially if the cat suddenly attempts to dash or pull away. Cats have delicate throats and can easily slip out of a collar, increasing the risk of escape. Instead, a properly fitted harness is advised for walking a cat. A harness distributes pressure more evenly across the cat’s chest and shoulders when they pull, providing a safer and more secure option that prevents escape and protects the cat from potential harm.

What are the initial steps for leash training a cat?

The initial steps for leash training a cat involve gradually acclimating the cat to a harness and leash. Start by allowing the cat to sniff and explore the harness, pairing it with treats and positive reinforcement. Next, gently put the harness on the cat without attaching the leash, letting the cat wear it for short periods while indoors, increasing the duration gradually. Once the cat seems comfortable, attach the leash and let them drag it around under supervision, ensuring they don’t get tangled. These steps should be done patiently over days or weeks, prioritizing the cat’s comfort and readiness for each new stage.

What precautions should be taken when taking a cat outside for walks?

Several precautions should be taken to ensure their safety and well-being when taking a cat outside for walks. Firstly, ensure the cat wears a well-fitted harness to prevent escape. Always use a leash that provides control without restricting exploration too much. Introduce the cat to the outdoors in a quiet, secure area to minimize stress. Be vigilant of potential dangers like other animals, traffic, or toxic plants. Carry the cat through doors to avoid door-dashing habits. Lastly, keep walks short initially, gradually increasing the duration as the cat becomes more comfortable with outdoor adventures.

Do you have questions about your cat’s health, care, or behavior? Our Veterinary Services are here to help. Contact us, your Jupiter Island, FL veterinary clinic, anytime!

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