
Water Safety for Dogs

Do you often take to the water to cool off on scorching days? Your canine pal may very well enjoy swimming as well. When it comes to swimming with dogs, you’ll want to take some precautions to ensure that your furbaby stays safe. A Hobe Sound, FL veterinarian offers advice on doggy water safety below.

General Safety

Before taking your furry pal to the water, make sure he knows and obeys the five basic commands, which are Sit, Stay, Come, Heel, and Lay Down. These are very important, not just for doggy manners, but because they will allow you to stop your pooch from exploring unsafe areas, swimming out too far, or jumping off docks. If you’re taking Fido swimming or boating, always bring a doggy life jacket. Make sure to bring water along for Fido as well. We know this may be easier said than done, but try not to let your pooch drink standing water, as it could be unsafe. Also, be careful of Fido’s feet. His paw pads will become very sensitive after he’s been swimming, so walking on hot sand, tar, or gravel could give your furry pal painful blisters or burns!


First and foremost, make sure that Fido knows where the pool stairs are. That way, if he ever falls in, he can get back out. It isn’t a bad idea to place a marker, such as a potted tree, near the stairs for a visual landmark. If your dog is a senior or puppy, has vision problems, or can’t swim, you may want to fence off the pool area. These pooches are in much greater danger of accidentally falling in.

Rivers, Lakes, and Ponds

Rivers can be very dangerous for our canine friends. It’s very easy for Fido to accidentally fall in while exploring a bank, and get swept away in a current. Also, as you probably know, Florida has plenty of snakes and gators. Be very careful when bringing your dog near fresh water! Always keep your furry buddy leashed, and never let him explore on his own.


We have many beautiful, dog-friendly beaches here in Florida. Stick to dog beaches, and avoid places with riptides or dangerous currents. Before going home, rinse the salt and sand out of Fido’s fur! For more information, check out our article on Beach Safety Tips for Dogs.

Does Fido need shots or an examination? Contact us, your Hobe Sound, FL vet clinic, anytime! We offer Veterinary Wellness & Pet Vaccinations to keep your furry friend healthy and happy.

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