
Provide Your Senior Cat With Well-Rounded Care

Your senior cat Benny really does run the household. This imperious nine-year-old tabby keeps track of your family and much-larger dog, often following them through the house. Between monitoring chores, he plays with his toys and gets some well-deserved rest. Even with Benny’s bossy nature, he’s a valuable part of the family; and you want to keep him healthy. Fortunately, your Jupiter Island, FL veterinarian provides him with regular checkups. The vet has also given your cat a targeted senior health program.

Tailored Senior Nutrition

Although some senior cats lose weight as they age, Benny has assumed a portly look. To reduce his risk of certain medical conditions, your vet wants your chubby cat to slim down.

First, the vet identified your cat’s nutritional needs and regular exercise habits. Next, he designed a weight-loss program that should produce desirable results. Every day, track your companion’s weight with a scale that records even tiny changes. If the number unexpectedly drops, that could signal a developing medical problem. Take your cat to the vet immediately.

Pleasurable Brushing Sessions

Even with Benny’s bluster, he’s a softie for regular brushing sessions. Each morning, he happily settles into your lap for a half-hour of grooming and belly rubs. As you brush his striking coat, you gather loose fur that could form hairballs.

By brushing him regularly, you’ll stimulate his skin and improve his circulation. These benefits promote better coat health. If he hasn’t shown much interest in his scratching post, clip his sharp little nails.

Secret Mini-Physical Exam

Although your relaxed cat doesn’t know it, each brushing session includes a hidden mini-physical checkup. You move your hands over his skin and coat, feeling for anything unusual. If you notice something, quickly alert your vet.

Minimal-Stress Lifestyle

Your feline senior citizen deserves a low-stress lifestyle in his golden years, which can help slow down cognitive decline. Try not to disrupt his daily routine; and provide extra attention if you can’t avoid it. If you’re planning a vacation or business trip, recruit a familiar family member, friend, or neighbor to care for Benny in their home. Finally, don’t increase his stress by bringing home more pets while he’s there.

Your Jupiter Island, FL veterinarian will give Benny regular physical exams, preferably twice yearly. He’ll diagnose and treat emerging problems. Our comprehensive Veterinary Services are designed to keep your senior cat healthy and happy. To give your senior cat the excellent care she deserves, contact us for expert advice.

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